Cystic Fibrosis Diet – Ashton Greaves
Diet and nutrition play an important role in the management of cystic fibrosis. Many people with cystic fibrosis struggle to gain or maintain weight due to increased energy needs as the body works to breathe normally, fight lung infections and compensate for poor digestion.
For these reasons a ‘cystic fibrosis diet’ high in fat, calories, and salt along with fruit and vegetables is usually recommend. Most don’t realise cystic fibrosis doesn’t just affect the lungs but affects many other areas of the body including the pancreas, bowels, and digestive system. Complications require some people living with cystic fibrosis to take enzymes to help digest and absorb their food, some suffer from regular bowel obstructions, and many ends up with Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes (CFRD).
Some people might think people living with cystic fibrosis are lucky as we don’t have to watch what we eat as we don’t put on weight (this isn’t always the case as everyone with cystic fibrosis is different) however being underweight, or malnutrition due to lack of absorption, can leave you more prone to infection, can make it harder or longer to recover from sickness and can also lead to further complications later in life like Osteopenia or Osteoporosis.
Some of my go to meals include wholemeal toast with butter, vegemite and avocado plus salt and pepper, crispy skin salmon with roast potatoes and greens: green beans or broccoli or even both!
I also love making homemade pizza, I like to get creative and use different ingredients sometimes using up leftover meat or vegies. I also like to create colour and texture, it’s like a piece of artwork.
Pizza recipe
1 wholemeal pizza base (purchased from a supermarket)
Tomato paste
Grated cheese (I often use a mixture of tasty, mozzarella and parmesan)
A handful or two of roast chicken
1 teaspoon Tandoori paste marinade
1 teaspoon natural yoghurt
Handful of cherry Tomatoes (cut in quarters)
1 avocado (cut into bite size pieces)
Mango Chutney
1. Mix Tandoori paste marinade and natural yoghurt with chicken. This can be done the
night before or morning of to allow time to marinade.
2. Preheat the oven as per the instructions on the back of the pizza base.
3. Spread tomato paste evenly on the base.
4. Sprinkle with desired amount of cheese.
5. Add tomatoes, chicken, and sprinkle with additional cheese to your liking.
6. Place in the oven as per the instructions on the back of the base.
7. Add avocado, mango chutney, slice and serve.