CF Kitchen Tips and Tricks:


  • Strangely, I’ve noticed our cystic fibrosis daughter drinks more fluids when using a straw. Each mealtime, she’ll literally drink about 750ml of water! Since disposable straws are no longer a thing nowadays, it’s important if you’re using reusable straws to make sure you clean and dry them out thoroughly between uses. Personally, I invest in clear straws so you can see inside them to make sure they are super-clean. I also buy lots of them to allow for adequate drying time in between uses. As we all know, water keeps the mucus moving – so it’s important to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!


    In our household, our cystic fibrosis child’s favourite foods look exactly the same as what we – Mum and Dad – eat! The only differences are we add a few (delicious) little extras to increase the calorie and salt content. For example.

  • Chicken Kiev (with LOTS of extra salt)
  • Spaghetti with extra veg, bacon and/or salami. Whiz up veggies (such as zucchini and carrot). Whiz up bacon/salami. Add all to the mince whilst cooking it. Add your favourite sauce and pasta. Serve with a tablespoon – or more – of melted butter. And don’t forget to top with LOADS of melty cheese.
  • Serve cereal or milkshakes using a combo of full-cream milk and cream.
  • Finally, one of our fav treats are Cheesecake Balls (we all fight over them; see recipe below):

Quick and Easy Cheesecake Balls

  • 2x packets of White Chocolate Tim Tams.
  • 250g of Philadelphia Cream Cheese
  • A squeeze of lemon or lime
  • Desiccated coconut


  • Use a bending device to crush up Tim Tams
  • Add the cream cheese and a squeeze of lemon or lime to taste and blend
  • Refrigerate until the mixture solidifies a little more
  • Use the palms of your hand to roll mixture (a large teaspoon’s worth at a time) into balls
  • Roll balls in coconut
  • Refrigerate or freeze.

# NOTE: You can easily adapt this recipe to suit any tastes! For example: remove the lemon / lime. Select any Tim Tam flavour of choice, and either use or replace the Philly Cheese with condensed milk (about 300ml), or a tin of caramel. Enjoy!