Ashton Greaves – Community Advisory Committee Member, adult living with cystic fibrosis.
As a member of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC), I will work to amplify the voices of those affected by Cystic Fibrosis by participating in CAC forums and activities and contributing to Cystic Fibrosis Queensland’s (CFQ’s) decision making process when assessing support and services.
As an adult born in the 80’s with cystic fibrosis I have seen the evolution of treatments options, injured many hospitalisations and had first-hand experience with accessing life changing modulators. I have worked full time all my adult life, currently as an event producer for local government whilst juggling relentless, time consuming treatments and exercise to maintain my quality of life. I do all of this with a smile on my face and a positive attitude (most of the time).
After accessing the services of Cystic Fibrosis Queensland for many years, I became a member of the Community Advisory Committee during its inception in 2020. I particularly enjoy listening and sharing information via the forums with the aim to provide hope and ways of managing for parents of children and young adults with cystic fibrosis as well as raising awareness of the disease and the endeavours of Cystic Fibrosis Queensland to improve the lives of those affected by cystic fibrosis.
I look forward to a day when CF stands for Cure Found and I invite you to connect with me during a CAC forum or by contacting and requesting to connect with me.