Join the fight to breathe and leave a gift in your will to Cystic Fibrosis Queensland.

Leaving Cystic Fibrosis Queensland in your Will is a wonderful way to leave a legacy and the gift of life to some of the most vulnerable people in our community. This may even be the one chance to give the largest gift of your life, and as you do, to show your family and friends the values you hold most important.

What your gift can do for people living with cystic fibrosis.

You will directly help Cystic Fibrosis Queensland deliver practical equipment and welfare support program, fund research and continue to advocate for the vulnerable in an equitable manner, no matter who they are or where they have come from.

How to make a gift?

A gift in your Will is a bequest, which is simply a donation left in your Will to a charity of your choice. It can be the whole amount, a specific amount or percentage of your estate. For many people who have lived a life of compassion, it is natural to wish to use a portion of the assets they leave behind to help improve the lives of others.

Bequests are a popular way to provide support for generations to come. A bequest is also a wonderful way to donate to your charity if you have not been able to during your lifetime. By choosing to leave Cystic Fibrosis Queensland a bequest in your Will, your legacy will help fund the important work that goes into supporting and advocating for people living with cystic fibrosis

To leave Cystic Fibrosis Queensland a gift in your Will, visit Gift in Wills – Cystic Fibrosis Queensland (